USA Flight Club Staff

Image Position Pilot Description
/lib/stock/open_files/avatars/UFC101.pngCEO - Chief Executive OfficerUFC101 - Michael SturmManages and oversees all operations at USA Flight Club.
/lib/stock/open_files/avatars/UFC102.pngCEO - Chief Executive Officer UFC102 - Allan BenjaminManages and oversees all operations at USA Flight Club.
/lib/stock/images/unavailable/nopilotavatar.pngVP - Vice PresidentUFC325 - Jeremy RuckerManages and oversees all aspects of the CEO at USA Flight Club
/lib/stock/open_files/avatars/UFC439.pngHR - Human Resource ManagerUFC439 - David WileyManages all pilot awards and approves all pilot reports (PIREPS) at USA Flight Club.
/lib/stock/open_files/avatars/UFC129.pngEC - Event CoordinatorUFC129 - Mike LarsonCoordinates all events and keeps them on an up-to-date/day-by day basis at USA Flight Club.
/lib/stock/images/unavailable/nopilotavatar.pngFM - Fleet ManagerUFC300 - Pamela Jean Manages all Fleet & maintains current repaints at USA Flight Club.